Sculptures in the Sky Kite Festival (Sculptures in the Sky)
Date & Location:
Sculpture Field of Montague Park
1800 Polk Street
Chattanooga, TN US
(AKA Region 4)
Fun Fly | Fun For All Ages | Kids Fly | Education | Food Vendors | Kite Demos | |
This is a fun family event with everyone flying kites with big show kites being flown by invited guests. There will also be stunt kite demonstrations, both dual and quad line, and fighter kite and Rokkaku demos with audience participation. There will also be candy and teddy bear drops for kids as well as the Running with the Bols.
For additional information contact:
Chuck Jones
1800 Polk Street
Chattanooga, TN 37408
Phone: (423) 266-7288 |
Sculpture Field of Montague Park |
Sculpture Field of Montague Park is just off I-24 in Chattanooga with parking off of 23rd Street or in the park on Polk Street which turns off of 23rd Street. Follow the interstate signs for Chattanooga and I-24, and take the Rossville Blvd Exit and turn toward downtown. That’ll get you to 23rd street and Polk Street.
Rain date is the 24th, Sunday.