(Dinosaur Game)
This event is not sanctioned by the AKA

Date & Location:
05/23/2024 - 05/01/2025
8 120th St S Glyndon, Minnesota
Minnesota, MN US
(AKA Region 6)
Fun For All Ages
To start playing the game, it’s very simple, press the space bar, the dinosaur will start running, it seems very peaceful at first, but as soon as you see the cactus rows moving closer, you’ll be very careful. concentrate. Press the spacebar to make the dinosaur jump over the cactus. More and more cacti will appear, you have to choose the exact time to press the space bar, too early or too late will cause the dinosaur to hit the cactus and the game ends
For additional information contact:
Jose Kennedy
2 Ramsay St San Marcos, Texas
Texas, NSW, Ostfold 78666
Phone: 8163803369
Missouri Missouri

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