Unted Valley Libraries’ Beacon Falls Kite Day
(UVL Kite Day, Beacon Falls)
This event is not sanctioned by the AKA

Date & Location:
Indoore A.M. activities at St. Michael’s Church Lyceum; outdoor P.M. activities at Weed Farm
25 Maple Street (indoor A.M. activities); 475 Rimmon Hill Road (outdoor P.M. activities)
Beacon Falls, CT US
Fun Fly
Kids Kitemaking
Planned as part of United Valley Libraries' One Book One Valley celebration featuring "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini activities include an A.M. kite making workshop for families and individuals under the direction and supervision of members of ConnectiKITERS Kite Club. Activities move outdoors in the P.M. for a presentation on the history of fighter kites and kite safety by Glenn Davison of MA. Davison will also demonstrate the technique of fighter kite flying. The day’s activities culminate with a community kite fly. The public is invited to bring and fly F3 fighter kites, a model designed by fighter kite hobbyist Bruce Lambert, crafted during a March 2005 UVL sponsored workshop, sled kites crafted during morning kite making workshops or any kite of choice.
The day’s activities are co-sponsored by the Beacon Falls Parks and Recreation Dept.
For additional information contact:
Marsha Durley, Head Librarian
Beacon Falls Public Library, 10 Maple Ave.
Beacon Falls, CT 06403
Phone: 1-203-729-1441
Fax: 1-800-729-4927
http://www.united valleylibrariesct.org
Call Beacon Falls Public Library at 1-203-729-1441 or email: beaconfallslibrary@yahoo.com for directions.
Activities are offered free of charge, however, pre-registration IS required for A.M kitemaking workshops. Call Beacon Falls Public Library,
1-203-729-1441, for further information or to register.

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URL: http://aka.kite.org/local/cal_dtl.php?EID=2435