Queeny Park @ 1 p.m.
(Queeny Park)
This event is not sanctioned by the AKA

Date & Location:
Queeny Park
Weidman Rd
Ballwin, MO US
Fun Fly
It’s back to school time, so we’ll have our own ‘school.’ Try a kiting style you’ve never tried before. Wether it be a stunt kite, fighter kite, big SLK, foil, etc. I’m sure you’ll find a member that will let you give one a try.
For additional information contact:
Ace Martin
Phone: (314) 588-1833
Gateway Kite Club
For a map, see: http://homepage.mac.com/loquacious_4ever/.Pictures/Maps/queeny.gif

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URL: http://aka.kite.org/local/cal_dtl.php?EID=2700