KONE Stacked Kite Mega-Fly
This event is not sanctioned by the AKA

Date & Location:
Nahant Beach
Lynn-Nahant, MA US
Fun Fly
This month the stack flyers get to show off as they wrestle with their powerful serpentine stacks
For additional information contact:
Bob Hogan / Paul Lawrence
Phone: 978-256-8205
Kites Over New England
Route 128/95 to Route 129 East in to Lynn. Then follow roads in an easterly direction until you reach the ocean and see signs pointing to Nahant. Look for kites in the sky.
Get out those stacks of Dyna’s, Trlby’s, Rev’s, etc. and bring them to this end of the summer extravaganza.

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URL: http://aka.kite.org/local/cal_dtl.php?EID=627