Kites in the Classroom Resources
Where Fun and Education Meet
Kite Education Resource List
Lesson Plans
Kite Workshops
How to Fly a Kite
History of Kites
Science and Math
Geography and Culture
More Kite Resources
Activities for Students
People to Contact
Lesson Plans
Kites in the Classroom book for teachers (in PDF)
Spanish Version (in PDF)
Education World - Kite Lesson
Kites as an educational tool
The names of the parts of a kite
Kites Thematic Unit, Grades 4-6
Kite Lessons, Grades K-8
How to fly a kite
Classroom lessons
Build a Kite,
How to run a kite workshop
Kite workshop products
Kite plans
Kite building
Kite Workshops
20 Kids - 20 Kites - 20 Minutes
Bird and tiger kite kits
Learn to make a kite
Kite kits
Plans and kits
Book for teachers with kite plans (in PDF)
Spanish Version (in PDF)
Kite Workshop DVDs
Kite-making retreats:
Fort Worden Kitemakers Retreat
Oregon Kitemakers Retreat
Junction Kitemakers Retreat
Maryland MAKR
AKA kite plans
Making kites from recycled materials
How to
a Kite
Free book with the details of buying, setting up, flying (in PDF)
How to fly a kite
Professor Kites Flying Tips
Kite Flying 101
Learn to Fly Kites
Kite launch and flight
Dual-line basics
Dual-line skills
Dual-line kite tricks
Quad-line kite tricks
of Kites
Kites go to school
Kite history and photo gallery
Kite history
Kite history timeline
World Kite Museum
and Math
Why does a kite fly?
The principles of aeronautics
Wind in the atmosphere
The forces on a kite
Forces of Flight (in PDF)
Lift is debated
Newton's First Law applied to kites
Kite Math
Interactive kite modeler
The word "kite" in other languages
Artistic kites
Kite Aerial Photography
and Culture
Kites from around the world
Names for kites worldwide
Where to see kites in flight - worldwide
Kite Festivals on DVD
Kite Workshop VHS Video - This 45 minute tape is available for $10 from the AKA. Call (509) 529-9171. The video shows how to run a sled kite workshop.
Activity TV kite videos
Kite Workshops on DVD
KiteLife Video Archives
Kite Resources
AKA Rule Books, Manuals, Safety Guidelines, Pamphlets
For periodic newsletters from the AKA, go to
then click on "Join a free newsletter." These newsletters contain useful information about kiting and the AKA. You don't have to be a member and they're designed for students.
Kite safety
Styles of kites
Knots for kites
Kite songs and songs with the word "kite" in the lyrics
National Kite Month (Every April)
Kite stores - where to buy a kite
Curious George kite - a PDF File from PBS
Miniature Kites
Kites Go To School
Kite Links (many)
The American Kitefliers Association
The Drachen Foundation
STACK Central (Europe Sport Kites)
STACK (UK Sport Kites)
AJSKA - All Japan Sport Kite Association (english)
List of Kite Clubs (maintained by Troy Gunn)
Kiting magazine (with back issues)
Kitelife magazine (with back issues)
Kite Lines magazine (back issues)
Drachen Journal
Drachen Discourse Magazine
Stunt Kite Quarterly
for Students
Build a kite - the students are given materials and a plan
Artistic decoration - kites can be a canvas for the most beautiful artwork
Hold a kite festival - the students bring kites from home to fly at a given time
Kite parade - students walk while their kites fly. Kites can be held by their bridles or attached to poles
Kite contest for altitude - students must unspool the line quickly. The one that reaches the end of the line in the shortest time wins!
Smallest kite contest - student's kites must fly on 10' of sewing thread. Smallest wins. Kite tails are ignored.
Teams build kites - students attach multiple kites to the same line to create a kite train
Dual line lessons - students learn to fly a 2-line stunt kite
Quad line lessons - students learn to fly a 4-line stunt kite
Junkyard wars - students build a kite from only the scrap materials that are supplied by the instructor. It must fly when it's done!
Candy drop - the teachers kite is used to lift a bag of candy then drop the candy from above
Racing with the Bols - students race into the wind pulling 6' parachutes behind them
Kite games
to Contact
AKA regional resources, including local clubs
AKA's Kite Talk forum
Kite workshop teachers
Kitebuilder's discussion forum