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National Kite Month
April 2011
(157 events shown )
Mar 28
Mar 29
Mar 30
Mar 31
[League City]
[S. Hamilton,]
NZKA AGM 2011 (Taranaki)
[Eltham] See website for details.
[Atlantic Beach] Children in our After School Program, ages 4 to 14 will be making their own kites. After they are finished decorating, we will fly them in the park outside the center with prizes for those who fly the longest and the best.
[Fishersville] Presentation about kites and kite flying to Clients of Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center
[Waltham] Interior window display of kites and kite related items ... including statuettes, plates, books, etc.
[Orlando] Annual kids kitemaking workshop at the Orange County Library in East Orlando, Florida.
[Rockport,] We are opening up a new temporary exhibit at the museum in April on the Joides Resolution Research Vessel, a section of which will be about life on ship. One of the ways they pass time on the ship is kite flying, so we are holding a kite contest for kids to design and fly their own kites and where the winner of the competition will have their kite put on display and then sent to the researchers on the ship.
[Port Allen] Same as last year. Performers this year are Rev Riders, Central Texas Cloud Chasers, and Austin End of the Line
[Fort Walton Beach] This event is a fun fly right on the public beach in Ft. Walton Beach, FL. In addition to the large show kites we will have kids kitemaking, power kite demonstrations and lesson, and stunt kite demonstrations and instructions as well. We also hope to add more games for the kids this year as our event grows. There are no immediate power lines nor airports close by.
[Galveston] Depending on the weather, teams will compete to built the largest snowman and then attempt to fly their kites over its towering head. If the predicted 81 degrees is reached, the contest may end early with just the relaxing fun fly taking place.
[Jacksonville] This is the longest running kite festival in the United States. Come participate in the kite contests with homemade kites only. Kite building clinics will be on-site. This scenic kite festival takes place on the beach, with kites flying high above the Atlantic Ocean.
[Washington] WOW Monthly First Sunday Fun Fly on the west side of the Washington Monument, on the Mall in DC. Manjha is prohibited.
[Milton] The Kite Aerial Photography (KAP) Techniques Workshop has a bad weather alternate date of Saturday April 9.
It is a two part event. From 10 to 2, it will be at Wollaston Beach as part of the Splash event where we ask everyone who has KAP rigs to bring them and use them even if you can't attend the techniques seminar later.
Once everyone has flown kites and KAP rigs and seen equipment in action, we travel to Blue Hill Observatory. We begin at Blue Hill Observatory in Milton at 2:30. At the Observatory, we will look at pictures taken at the beach and other KAP photos to help people learn how to take better KAP photos and avoid some of the common problems. This seminar is good for all levels of kite flier and photographer.
The cost is $25.00 for members, $30.00 for non-members. This includes printed materials and web links, hands-on experience, food, beverage, and sunset viewing from the top of Blue Hill Observatory.
[Port Allen] Indoor kite flying lessons and demonstrations at Port Allen High School.
[De Soto] Our club will help the Washington State Park celebrate the return of spring in Missouri. Join us and park staff for a fun-filled morning flying kites in the Big River Day-Use Area near the Thunderbird Lodge. Bring your own kite or explore the Crafty Kite Ideas booth and make one yourself. This event is free and open to the public. Inclement weather may cancel the kite flying festivities. However, instruction and materials will still be provided to create a kite that you can take home and fly on a better day.
[Easton] Come on out for a fun day and fly your kites. Make a day of it, bring your lunch and enjoy the company of other kiters. Don't have a kite? Come on out and see the kites color the skies of the Lehigh Valley.
[Glenwood] 6th Whitewater Mesa Fun Kite Flying Picnic. Tailgate too! 12 noon until dusk on Saturdday 2nd April 2011 at Whitewater Mesa Labyrinths. More than a hundred people and kites to visit with. Free raffle for a kite. Bring your picnic, your kite, your family and friends, sun screen, and something to sit on.
[Salem] Green Hill Park Located just west of Salem VA, We are trying to get our club together. This will be our second fly, Come rain or shine, Wind or No Wind. Contact Donald at if more information is needed.
[Lockport] Club members are meeting to prepare kits for children's kite making events coming up this season. Also, we help members repair their personal kites.
[Richmond, VA] RAF Monthly Club Fly on the football fields at Dorey Park. Single line, sport, and fighters welcome and appropriate - NO MANJHA string!
[Stephens City] Family fun fly at Sherando Park...vendors, ample parking, music and kites galore!
[Saint Mary]
[Dorchester] Enjoy and celebrate spring with the whole family.
This event is free and open to the public.
[New Berlin] Kite display at the New Berlin Public Library. One of their most popular displays of the year!
[Indianapolis] Time: 6pm-7pm
Part of a series of six workshops sponsored by the Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library. This series is likely to be spread out among all branches over the course of 2-3 years.
The children will be making sled kites.
[League City]
[S. Hamilton,]
[Saint Mary]
[Dorchester] Enjoy and celebrate spring with the whole family.
This event is free and open to the public.
[New Berlin] Kite display at the New Berlin Public Library. One of their most popular displays of the year!
[Waltham] Interior window display of kites and kite related items ... including statuettes, plates, books, etc.
[Rockport,] We are opening up a new temporary exhibit at the museum in April on the Joides Resolution Research Vessel, a section of which will be about life on ship. One of the ways they pass time on the ship is kite flying, so we are holding a kite contest for kids to design and fly their own kites and where the winner of the competition will have their kite put on display and then sent to the researchers on the ship.
[Dighton] This year 91 Students of the 4th Grade Class will make Eddy kites and fly them indoors in the gym and outside weather permitting.
[Wheat Ridge] Olinger Crown Hill Cemetery, in conjunction with the Asian Chamber of Commerce, cordially invites kiters to attend the 1st annual CHING MING FESTIVAL.
There will be a complimentary Chinese dinner for participants. Also drinks, live music, lion Dance,
Ching Ming, or Quingming, means "Clear and Bright". A day for mourning the Dead, a day for Chinese families to visit their ancestors and relatives graves. Ching Ming falls early in April every year and corresponds with the onset of warmer weather, the state of Spring, and of family outings. This is a one day holiday in most Asian countries for the descendents to "sweep the graves" of their ancestors. It is not a solemn occasion, but rather a time for happy communion with the family members to show respect for their ancestors.
Kiters are there to launch and fly kites as a symbol of the souls ascending to heaven. This holiday appears similar to the November 1st "Dia De Los Muertos" or "All Saints Day" in Latin or Catholic culture.
[Chubbuck] Our annual observance at the local libraries for National Kite Month.
[Pocatello] Our annual observance at the local libraries for National Kite Month. At 5 pm, lasts about an hour - you must register with the library!
[Atlanta] Kite-mounted aerial photography captures a rarely seen point of view in a fashion akin to hand-held camera-work. This view allows a unique perspective for experiencing the environs and the camera’s relationship to the wind itself. Kites is not a play. It is a documentary film, using Aerial Videography, which is being developed for eventual presentation as a gallery installation. During Brave New Works, the artist will be focused on the issue of projection. He is experimenting with various strategies to ‘break away from the screen’ and test alternative projection surfaces including the human body, architecture, locations and moving kites. Technicians, actor/dancers, photographers, and art historians will assist the maker in his exploration of various ways space can be shared by spectators and projected images.
[New Hampton] The 5th Grade students will be participating in an interdisciplinary unit based around the book "The Kite Fighters"
[Bend] Indoor Kite flying for kids.
[Milton] A group of 5th Graders will be learning about the history of kites and weather observing at Blue Hill Observatory then will build their own kites with Program Director Don McCasland.
This program is closed to the public but kite fliers are invited to fly in the field next to the Observatory to add excitement for the students.
[Perrin] 6th Annual Fun Fly with live entertainment Friday Night. Saturday Fun Fly with whimsical trophies for competitions, teams, and individuals including kids events. Food vendor, kite vendor, sponsored by Mitchell Resort and RV Park. One of America's most beautiful parks.
[Richmond] Closed event for residents of the State School dealing with mental health issues.
[West Chester]
Kite demonstrations and competitions courtesy of members of Richmond Air Force, a professional organization of kite flyers. Some performances are done to music. 2Guys Flying and Jackite bring their kites too. And so should you.
Unfurling of 1200 square foot flag by children (of all ages) in attendance with playing of star spangled banner.
11 AM and 1 PM free dual line group lessons lasting ½ hour
Stunt kites flown, instructions given and kites can be purchased
Children activities include – free kites and assembly to first 100 children; basket races with parachutes if wind permits
Eastern Star is our fabulous new Richmond food vendor: $6 youth lunch with hotdog or hamburger, French fries and small drink –
[Anacortes, WA] "KID'S KITE MAKING DAY & KITE ART EXHIBIT. Come learn about the history of kiting. See kites of all styles, shapes and sizes. Make a kite with the kids, or for yourself to and take and fly, and watch INDOOR flying demonstrations. A community event for kids of all ages. Presented by Sam and Cari King in association with the City of Anacortes Parks and Recreation, and The American Kiteflyer's Association. 10am-4pm @ Anacortes Highschool.
[Santa Barbara] The 26th annual Santa Barbara Kite Festival, will take flight 11am-4pm, Sunday, April 10th, 2011. The festival will be held in the “Great Meadow” on the west campus of Santa Barbara City College. The blufftop lawn overlooks the beautiful Santa Barbara harbor and breakwater and is a perfect location for kite flying. Parking is plentiful on campus and admission to the festival is free. The Santa Barbara Kite Festival is always a fun-filled family-style affair featuring kites of all sizes, shapes and color
[Siloam Springs]
[Longmont, CO] Kiters in Colorado have been gathering at Sandstone for over 5 years. A large open park with few trees or other obstructions
[Paso Robles] Kite demonstrations, big kite field, kids kite-making, kite sales, and "touch a truck" for the kids.
[Arvada] This is a fun, family kite festival,with kite competitions for two age groups: 10 & under and 11 & over,in four categories: highest kite, smallest kite, most visually appealing, largest kite with the top four winners getting trophies.
[Milton] A pack of scouts will be learning about the history of kites at Blue Hill Observatory then will build and fly their own kites with Program Director Don McCasland
Fun Fly (ME)
[South Portland]
[Hull] When? Sunday, April 10, 2011,
Where? Nantasket Beach MJM Bathhouse
Time? 10:00 am Kites For Kids kite making and flying for all children
10:00 am Toddler Dash (on the beach across from the Bathhouse)
10:15 am 1K Fun Run
10:45 am 5K Run/Walk
This is a 5K Run/Walk Fun Run and Toddler Dash
Benefiting Children's Hospital Boston Pacemaker/ICD Camp
[Lockport] Club members are meeting to prepare kits for children's kite making events coming up this season. Also, we help members repair their personal kites.
[N. Tonawanda] GLKS members meet twice monthly to fly kites along the Niagara River. Public is welcome to watch or join in to fly with us.
[Webster] Dragon Boat Races, Kite Demonstrations, Public Fun Fly, Candy Drop, Bol Races
[Maryville] Free event to share the art of kite design and kite flying with the community! Martin Blais will be our guest of honor, with demonstrations and kites galore! Event is from 11:00 - 3:00. There will be competitions for design and flying! Bol races also! Artists and food vendors will be on site!
[Lubbock] Sport kite demonstrations, Giant single line kites by Whatakite, open public kite flying, kite bol races, kids candy drops from kites, kite buggy and kite board demos, disc golf, rock wall spider climber, jumper tent, hacky-sack games, etc...
[Cedar Hill] kite flyers of all interest are welcome to come fly their kites, as there is plenty of room for kites of all types to come fly and have fun! Everyone is welcome!
[Rockport,] Usual monthly gathering of local and regional kite enthusiasts to have a pot luck lunch together and fly our various kites of all types-- we start about noon and fly til dusk [6 pm or so]--
this is a traction kite approved venue within the parks system -- kite surfing either outside in Aransas Bay or on the "flat water" inside Little Bay-- buggies and ATB on the circle field only--
[Depew] The GLKS nine member board and club members meet once a month to plan events. Final details of who does what at upcoming events and club business is done.
[Bend] Kite Making with Kids at Pine Ridge Elementary
[League City]
[S. Hamilton,]
[Saint Mary]
[Dorchester] Enjoy and celebrate spring with the whole family.
This event is free and open to the public.
[New Berlin] Kite display at the New Berlin Public Library. One of their most popular displays of the year!
[Waltham] Interior window display of kites and kite related items ... including statuettes, plates, books, etc.
[Rockport,] We are opening up a new temporary exhibit at the museum in April on the Joides Resolution Research Vessel, a section of which will be about life on ship. One of the ways they pass time on the ship is kite flying, so we are holding a kite contest for kids to design and fly their own kites and where the winner of the competition will have their kite put on display and then sent to the researchers on the ship.
[New Hampton] The 5th Grade students will be participating in an interdisciplinary unit based around the book "The Kite Fighters"
[New Hampton] The 6th grade students work on kite styles, flight, and building napkin kites as a part of their flight unit.
JOLLY UP 8 (Hampshire)
[New Hampton]
[Brownsburg] Month long kite display in the Youth section of the Brownsburg Public Library
[Remington] Time: 3pm
The Remington Library has invited the HKS to present a kite talk and kite-making workshop for children.
[Mechanicville] This is a kite making workshop for kids using easy to assemble Tyvek Scott sleds. A variety of kites are on display. There is a short presentation of how kites have been used through history, the different types, and what makes kites fly. If the weather cooperates, we'll take our kites and fly them in the field behind the library.
Must sign up in advance as space is limited.
[Lincoln] Kite lecture with performance of indoor flight. Kids kite making in the auditorium followed by Indoor and outdoor kite ballet.
[Mount Vernon] In celebration of Erv Crosby's life. He had such a love for kite making, flying, and sharing his passion with others. Tulip Town in Mt. Vernon is providing a large grass field for kitefliers during their Festival. The two day kite fly will be held on Saturday and Sunday, April 16th and 17th. Look forward to seeing you all.
[Brookline] Kite Demonstratio and building workshop, presented in conjunction with Driscoll School's annual "Arts Equinox Festival". A lecture with performance of indoor flight. Kids kite making in the gymnasium followed by Indoor and outdoor kite flying.
[Port Colborne] The first Niagara Windriders fly of the 2011 season will be held this SATURDAY, APRIL 16th from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Port Colborne High School at the corner of Steele and Elgin Streets in Port Colborne. This is an INDOOR FLY so we will be out of the chilly weather and able to try out some indoor flying skills.
We have access to the LARGE gym in the school for 3 hours this Saturday afternoon: from 1 to 4 p.m.
Please wear socks or sneakers to ensure that the hardwood gym floor is not marked or scuffed.
[Fort Collins] 4th Annual Fort Collins kite festival. Last year under sunny skies 2000 plus people had a fun day flying kites, watching kite demonstrations, and just enjoying a community day in the park. Free kite decorating for kids (keep the kite), contests with lots of prizes, vendors including yummy day in the park food, cultural displays, kite ballet, large show kites (octopus over 80 feet long), famous kiters such as Mix McGraw and his fabulous stacks of stunt kites, power kite demos, kite fights, and many more fun activities. Price FREE.
Put on by the City of Fort Collins and loads of helpers and volunteers.
More information available through Fort Collins Rec dept at
(970) 221-6655
[Bend] Indoor Kite flying for kids.
[Sunnyvale] Sport kite and fighter kite comp. All skill levels welcome.
April of 2009, in conjunction with Wheaton's Sesquicentennial Celebration, Wheaton residents attempted to break the Guinness Book of World Records for the most kites flown simultaneously (967 kites). We had over 1,100 notarized registrants that day, but unfortunately, the wind was not on our side, and we did not break the record. A certified 800 kites were set aloft that day. The families that came out for the event had a great time. In 2010, nearly 1000 kites took to the skies all at the same time during our Grand Launch. So, now it's time to do it again!
On Sunday, April 17, 2011, at Graf Park in Wheaton at 11:00 a.m., the Wheaton Park District and area families will attempt to break last year's record of nearly 1000 kites in the air simultaneously!
The Chicago Fire Kite Team, Fire & Ice, and Dan Newman, will be coming to the event to perform stunt kite demonstrations as well as coordinate a number of fun kite flying activities for the participants. The Grand Launch of all of the kites will take place at 12 noon, with the kite demos and candy drop and Kids Mad Dash taking place during the afternoon.
This event is sponsored by Gift of Wings kite store in Milwaukee, the Kite Society of Wisconsin and Illinois, and The Wheaton Park Distict, and is now part of the "TOUR de KITES." Kites are available for sale at the park from Gift of Wings.
For more information, please visit the Gift of Wings web site at and
The Kite Society of WI & IL, it doesn't get any better than this!
[Monee] Remember the nostalgic memories of flying a kite as a child? Be sure to introduce your family to the same experience by participating in Monee Reservoir’s annual Kite Fly! Monee Reservoir will host a unique program that will highlight the beauty of kite flying. Kite demonstrators will show what magic a kite can create by soaring kites in the sky. Make sure your kite is out there too! Come out and experience all that kite flying has to offer while learning a bit of the history of and various types of kites available. Event also features kids activities such as bubble pool, Frisbees, parachute games, air quality information, and science experiments.
[Topsfield] Kite flying and building, games, kids kitemaking and flying.
[Brownsburg] Simple Kite making workshop for families. Make several simple color and make kites.
[N. Tonawanda] GLKS members meet twice monthly to fly kites along the Niagara River. Public is welcome to watch or join in to fly with us.
[Madison] Time: workshop - 10am; fly - 1pm. The workshop will take place in the park's nature center; the flying will be in the North field.
[North Easton] Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday with a rain date of Friday Don McCasland will be teaching students about the history and use of kites at Blue Hill Observatory and how to build their own kites. The students will then fly their kites and Don invites serious kite fliers to coordinate with him to join in demonstrations.
[Bel Air] Fun Fly for kids of all ages
10 am - 4 pm
[Hanscom] Kids kite making in the gymnasium followed by Indoor and outdoor kite ballet.
[St. Louis Park] Pack a picnic lunch, bring your lawn chairs and watch the kites take flight. Or, bring your kite and fly it with members of the Minnesota Kite Society. Free kites for kids while supplies last.
Free - no registration required
[Shawano] 4-H kids making kites at 6:30 pm
[Lees Summit] The largest Kite Festival in April in the midwest will have its 5th annual festival on April 16 in Kansas City. Festival Attractions: The kites of the Kansas City Kite Club will take flight over the lawn of the picturesque MCC-Longview campus in the heart of kite month, with awe-inspiring mega kites, power kites, stunt kites, and more including the world’s largest windsock – three stories high and 200 feet long! Especially for the kids, Flights of Fancy will feature kite making, an inflatable maz
[Lebanon] Time: 10:30am - 3:00pm

A fun fly for the whole family, especially the kids. All kids flying will get a treat for participating. Food will be available for purchase as well as boat rides through the Union Canal Tunnel. (There is a small charge). The Union Canal Tunnel is the oldest standing canal tunnel in the USA. Come join us and enjoy all that nature and kiting have to offer.
[Waller] Up through the atmosphere, up where the air is clear... Let's go fly a kite! Join KPC for our April Unplugged Adventures, a new program designed to get you and your family unplugged from the ordinary and plugged into the prairie with a series of fun, exclusive events on KPC's preserves .

On Saturday, April 16, KPC will host Let's Go Fly A Kite at our Indiangrass Preserve from 1 PM - 3 PM. We'll have an afternoon of flying kites in the clear skies of the windy prairie, plus an exclusive kite-making lesson with experts. We'll be giving away free kites to the early birds. After the lesson you can take a short hike around our Indiangrass Preserve, where the Native Seed Nursery is in the full flush of spring. Feel free to bring a picnic lunch!
[Plano] Open kite flying, Free admission, plenty of parking.15,000 spectators expected to attend.
[Port Lavaca] The Port Lavaca area Red Cross is having an awareness and volunteer recruitment
day on Sat April 16th from NOON to 4 PM. They are attempting to make more
awareness in the community of what Red Cross is all about- per Jodie Lewis --
Red Cross
The venue is the park area at the end of Main Street where it TEE's -- directly
in front of the marina. [ will try to get a map on map quest or google] They
are having the local kids fly some kites til about 1 PM and then they would
love to have some "pro" kite fliers put up some display kites etc.
WE can put up lot of feather banners etc to add some color to the event and
then put up a few select ensembles to help attract attention. Flying space is
somewhat limited, but we can "air traffic control" and make good use of the
[Sherman] New event intended to be an annual event in Sherman. Fun Fly and Kids Kitemaking class at the pavillions. Sponsored by Sherman Parks & Rec and located at large new park at Lake Gilbert. Food concessions & facilities open for event. 11:00am-3:00pm. Contact Keith at (903) 892-7221 or (903) 421-4151
[Roanoke] Family fun day. Free parking, free admission, free kites and free tee shirts for children (while supply last). Craft vendors and food vendors. Activities for the whole family.
[Hume] Kite education, safety, and flying for kids and adults, sponsered by Philip Carter Winery; kite sales, music, wine tasting, and more.
[League City]
[S. Hamilton,]
[Saint Mary]
[Dorchester] Enjoy and celebrate spring with the whole family.
This event is free and open to the public.
[New Berlin] Kite display at the New Berlin Public Library. One of their most popular displays of the year!
[Waltham] Interior window display of kites and kite related items ... including statuettes, plates, books, etc.
[Rockport,] We are opening up a new temporary exhibit at the museum in April on the Joides Resolution Research Vessel, a section of which will be about life on ship. One of the ways they pass time on the ship is kite flying, so we are holding a kite contest for kids to design and fly their own kites and where the winner of the competition will have their kite put on display and then sent to the researchers on the ship.
[New Hampton] The 5th Grade students will be participating in an interdisciplinary unit based around the book "The Kite Fighters"
[Dixon] 1st Annual Sauk Valley Kite Festival.
Open to public, AKA members encouraged to come fly and demonstrate their skills in flying and kite-making.
Kite-making for kids
Stunt Kites
Large kites
Shaped kites
[St. Ann’s Bay] The Jamaica International Kite Festival (possibly Jamaica’s largest family fun day) evolved out of the St. Ann Kite Festival held annually at the Seville Heritage Park adjacent to the historic Seville Great House on the outskirts of St. Ann’s Bay, St. Ann.
The yearly one-day event attracts average community support in excess of 9, 000 persons, that however swelled to 20,000 for the 2010 staging at our new venue.
The festival is emboldened with a kaleidoscope of colours, exciting kite flying, food, unbridled fun and clean family entertainment.
[Indianapolis] Time: 5pm-6pm
Part of a series of six workshops sponsored by the Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library. This series is likely to be spread out among all branches over the course of 2-3 years. The children will be making sled kites.
[Orlando] Kids kitemaking workshop with a kite fly afterward.
[S. Hamilton] Kids kite making at the Library. Indoor and outdoor kiteflying. 12noon - 4:00PM Open to the public. Pre-Register at Hamilton Library / Rebecca Shea. 978-468-5577
[Nags Head] Kitty Hawk Kites kicks off spring the with annual "Fly Into Spring and Easter Eggstravaganza" event! This annual spring event will be held during National Kite Month, April, on the 22nd and 23rd, from 10am to 4pm. The kite festival will take place at Jockey's Ridge State Park, home to the largest living sand dune on the east coast, on both days, and the Kitty Hawk Kites store in Nags Head will host the Easter Egg Hunt which will ONLY be on Saturday, the 23rd, from 11am to 1pm! With fresh spring air and the famous Outer Banks wind, participants won't want to miss the first event of 2011!
The Kite Festival is a free event and is open to the public. On Friday and Saturday, spectators enjoy large show kites on Jockey's Ridge, including animal kites over 50' in size! Kitty Hawk Kites is offering free stunt and power kite lessons throughout the day on the dune. Just find a staff member and they will direct you to the proper area/person. Learn to fly dual line stunt kites and power kites! You'll be amazed. Spectators will also have the opportunity to see kites of various shapes, styles, sizes, and colors decorate the sky throughout the day.
[Littleton, CO 80123] Our monthly Fly for the Denver Metro area
[Roxbury] Kite lecture, indoor kite ballet, kids kitemaking and flying.
[Milton] A group of K through 8th Graders will be learning about the history of kites and weather observing at Blue Hill Observatory then will build their own kites with Program Director Don McCasland. This program is closed to the public but kite fliers are invited to fly in the field next to the Observatory to add excitement for the students.
[Lewes] The Great Delaware Kite Festival, co-sponsored by the Lewes Chamber of Commerce and the Delaware Division of Parks and Recreation, takes place at Cape Henlopen State Park on Good Friday, April 22, 2011. This popular annual event regionally attracts kite fliers and spectators who line up to see the Easter Bunny during the morning competitions.
[Fairfield] Everyone is welcome whether a novice or expert kiteflier. Off trail access allowed for this special event- room for all. In addition to some great kiting, Lynch Canyon offers nearly ten miles of multi-use trails. So come with family, friends and your favorite kites and enjoy a day of kite flying where hawks and eagles soar. Noon to 4 pm for event, access gate opens at 9 and closes at 5.
[Ocho Rios] The Jamaica International Kite Festival (St. Ann Kite Festival) is an annual event for the family which is based on the tradition of kite flying encompassing a family fun day complete with a kiddies village and stage show/concert to boot. Have a look at our pics to see what the 2010 staging looked like.
*Guest Performances by:*
[Scituate] Kite Demonstration and building workshop, presented in conjunction with annual kite day. A lecture with performance of indoor flight. Kids kite making in the gymnasium followed by Indoor and outdoor kite flying.
[Mustang] Everyone is invited to come have a good time flying kites at the city park and enjoy a picnic and good old fashioned event!
[Hanover] Children of Hanover and other invited friends can attend a kite making session from 10 to 11 or 11:15 to 12:15. Sign up is required. Contact the Hanover Library at Phone:781-826-2972.
Everyone is invited to fly kites at the Kemp's field opposite Buttercup Lane on Main Street. Park on Buttercup or one of the other side streets and carefully walk across to the field.
[Brownsburg] Month long kite display in the Youth section of the Brownsburg Public Library
[Bend] Indoor Kite flying for kids.
[Mustang] Everyone is invited to come have a good time flying kites at the city park and enjoy a good ol' picnic fashioned event.
[Flat Rock] Kite flying can be very addictive. If you haven't flown a kite for a while, plan to spend the whole day! Remember to bring your cameras and so we may enjoy everyone's perspective on this site!
[Plano] Event Info: Vibha Dallas in association with MCOR is hosting its 8th Annual Kite Flying Festival sponsored by Texas Instruments. The main purpose of Kite Flying Festival is for the Children to learn about kites, the science and History behind flying kites, and how to make kites. We Invite all the children and their parents to come, learn about kites, fly kites and have FUN !!!
[Katy] S.H.A.R.K. members are the "eye candy" to attract attention to the groundbreaking of a new church. Kiteflying, bol races,egg hunt, food
[Grayland] Monthly fun fly with a potluck in the evening held at the Willipa Grange Hall.
May 1
[League City]
[S. Hamilton,]
[Saint Mary]
[Dorchester] Enjoy and celebrate spring with the whole family.
This event is free and open to the public.
[Washington] WOW Monthly First Sunday Fun Fly on the west side of the Washington Monument, on the Mall in DC. Manjha is prohibited.
[Missouri City]
[Bend] Indoor Kite flying for kids.
[Katy] S.H.A.R.K. member will teach kindergarten kite safety and students will make a "tiger" kite.
[Idaho Falls] 11 annual kite festival in Idaho Falls. We will have flyers from several states flying and having a great time.
[Framingham] Eleventh Annual Kite Day. Sponsored by Kites Over New England, the MetroWest Autism Alliance and the Doug Flutie Foundation. Lots of kids and kites. Hank Manseau will be flying his giant kites. A big event and growing.
[Virginia Beach] Kite Demonstration and building workshop, presented in conjunction with annual kite day. A lecture with performance of indoor flight. Kids kite making in the Museum followed by an "urban" outdoor kite flying.
PLEIN VENT (Basse-Norman)
[Houlgate] See web site.
[Virginia Beach / Portsmouth]
Support your local Kite Festival
Wow kite flyers it's almost time for the Atlantic Coast Kite Festival this year in Virginia Beach and Portsmouth, VA. We open the kite festival with a party at the Beach and work our way into fun for the whole weekend. This year, we again have a limited amount of hotel rooms for Kitefliers and volunteers. Almost all meals are provided for flyers during the festivals and parties Friday and Saturday nights. We also offer gas money to some coming in from far away. So, pack a car full of fliers, kites, volunteers and enthusiasts and join us.
We are also looking for vendors to spice up the event. HQ Kites and Jackite will be selling their kites and products. If you wish to display or sell please contact us.
Thank you to the previous sponsors of our kite festival: HQ Kites, Newtech Kites, and Jackite, Inc.
[Meridian] First graders team with older students to make kites as partners. Cooperation, creativity, safety, exercise, kite history, construction and flying fun will be the emphasis of the day.
[Morro Bay] The parade starts at 10.00 on Morro Bay Blvd and ends at the rock.The Salinian Indians will start the event with a blessing of the wind.There will be kite ballot with quad line kites,huge single line kites,candy drop and kite racing for kids.Central Coast Funds for Children will have a booth for free kites for kids to decorate and fly.a kite surfing demo and kite fighting.
M.I.K.E. (MD)
[Ocean City] 17th Annual
Maryland International Kite Exposition
April 29 - May 1, 2011 Ocean City, Maryland
Ocean City, Maryland, and The Kite Loft welcome you to come and fly on the beautiful beaches along our famous boardwalk!

The Maryland International Kite Exposition will feature three fun filled days of kite flying on the beautiful beaches of Ocean City, Maryland. Throughout the festival, there will be exhibitions and demonstrations including stunt and power kite lessons, free children's games and activities, and much more! The festival will showcase some of the best kite flyers from around the world. Kites of all shapes and sizes will be on display including some massive character and theme based kites. On behalf of The Kite Loft and The Town of Ocean City, we welcome everyone to join in the festivities. Bring your family for several days of good old fashion kite flying. Remember when we say “Go Fly a Kite”, we mean it.
[Clovis] The 8th Annual Kite Karnival is a Cannon Community Center "Let's Celebrate!" event that attracts close to 1500 people from the surrounding area to experience kite flying at its best. The event will take place at Doc Stewart Park on Saturday, April 30, and Sunday May 1, 2011. Demonstrations, instruction, and stunt flying will take place as well as candy drops. Other activities are kids' kite making workshops and carnival style games for prizes. Local food vendors will have food and beverages for purchase.
[Houston] Check the S.H.A.R.K. website for more information. As usual my favorite meal, James Coney Island Hotdogs will be available.
The location is subject to change dependant on the weather.In the event of rain an indoor fly with mini kites will be held at the JCI at Edgebrook and the Gulf Fwy.
[Dallas] The event runs from 1-7pm daily
[Katy] S.H.A.R.K. member will teach kindergarten kite safety and students will fly kites made earlier in the week. Students will participate in bol races.
[LaVista] Club Fun Fly with demos and candy drops with kite give-a-ways
[St Charles] This is a community FUN FLY at Mt. St. Mary Park in St. Charles. The times are from 1:00pm to 3:00PM. There will be kids kite making and a demonstration of stunt kites by a member of the Gift of Wings staff. Kite making will also be taking place. Kites are available for purchase from Gift of Wings in the Park. This is a FREE event....
[Salem] Green Hill Park Located just west of Salem, Virginia. We are trying to get our club together. This will be our second fly. Come rain or shine, wind or no wind. Contact Donald at if more information is needed.
Flying4Kids (IL)
[Edwardsville] Come out and support the Edwardsville Parks Department’s Flying 4 Kids event. You can build your own kite and join the Gateway Kite Club filling the ground and sky of this great park. Feel free to come up and ask us any of your kite questions.
Event runs from 9 a.m. to Noon
[Richmond, VA] RAF Monthly Club Fly on the football fields at Dorey Park. Single line, sport, and fighters welcome and appropriate - NO MANJHA string!
[New Berlin] Kite display at the New Berlin Public Library. One of their most popular displays of the year!
[Waltham] Interior window display of kites and kite related items ... including statuettes, plates, books, etc.
[Rockport,] We are opening up a new temporary exhibit at the museum in April on the Joides Resolution Research Vessel, a section of which will be about life on ship. One of the ways they pass time on the ship is kite flying, so we are holding a kite contest for kids to design and fly their own kites and where the winner of the competition will have their kite put on display and then sent to the researchers on the ship.
[Brownsburg] Month long kite display in the Youth section of the Brownsburg Public Library
[St. Ann’s Bay] The Jamaica International Kite Festival (possibly Jamaica’s largest family fun day) evolved out of the St. Ann Kite Festival held annually at the Seville Heritage Park adjacent to the historic Seville Great House on the outskirts of St. Ann’s Bay, St. Ann.
The yearly one-day event attracts average community support in excess of 9, 000 persons, that however swelled to 20,000 for the 2010 staging at our new venue.
The festival is emboldened with a kaleidoscope of colours, exciting kite flying, food, unbridled fun and clean family entertainment.
[Kokomo] In conjunction with April as Autism Awareness Month and National Kite month, the Autism Resouce Center of Kokomo has scheduled a great family-centered and kid-friendly activity for Saturday, April 30th at Foster Park. We plan to have kite making/decorating/flying, bounce houses, other kid activities, a DJ, a vendor area and more!
[Eriksdale] School workshops, K-8
[Shipshewana] Time: 11am - 4pm
Kathy Brinnehl of the kite team Chicago Fire will be flying demos during the festival at the open field on the south side of the Menno-Hof Information Center. The Windjammers will also be doing demonstrations with Kathy. This is a town-wide event sponsored by the Lagrange Community Youth Center and Head Over Heels, LLC outdoor adventure store.
[Clovis] Planned event activities: - fun flying, kid's kite building, candy drops, demonstrations, food, entertainment, etc...
[Ruidoso] Fun fly and pro kite flier gathering.
[Glen Rock] This is a fun kite fly to celebrate National Kite Month and the arrival of Spring!
[Pasadena] Sunset is giving away lunch and we are providing a sky display.
[Katy] Grand Opening of the new section of Bella Terra, an upscale community of homes from 160 to 1 Million plus.
[Missouri CIty] National Kite Month Display along with the Wine Tasting Party.
[Chester WV] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New Era Kite Club
April 30th , 1pm - 6pm , West Virginia Kite Festival in Chester WV @ Brooke Hills Park. Free kites to first 100 kids, Large parafoil display kites, safety class, demonstrations, kite vendor. also a star party starting @ 8pm - telescopes provided. come join all the fun hosted by the SMART center and Liberty University.
AKA Sanctioned Sport Kite Event AKA Sanctioned Kite Festival Education/Outreach Other Kite Festival
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